
It's been a hot minute but I'm delighted to report that my first full 3 day Anime convention in the Artist Alley was a success! I was able to upgrade my table setup to something far more functional than my GiftsForGamers table. (Though, that was also a success.) At both events, I was one of the lucky few that made up the cost of my table despite the snowstorm, and as a result I've learned so much about pricing and interacting with attendees. I've worked in customer service for so many years but it's quite different when it's your own business (I had some xp growing up minding the family shop) AND your own art and products. I'm so used to my work being 'not good enough' that I'm learning to get the tears under control when people compliment. At any rate, I wanted to share some before and after pics of my setup!!

Sharing with mom:

Alone at GiftsForGamers in PA:

And finally at Animore with my new digs:

I love the way the posters came out, courtesy of Catprint. And my thanks to Mrs Raynor and Kelly Raynor for assistance with button making!

I was also able to launch 4 new prints this con, and I'm so very glad I was able to finish my Devil Is A Part Timer prints on time! (Despite the 8x10s not being completed by the printer...)

And my little DiaPT print that was scooped up and approved by Anthony Bowling and Josh Grelle. (Honestly bless them both, heroes)

I was also able to gift some prints to young fans of the series, which turned out better for them than I could possibly imagine. AND I completed an impromptu commission artist cover for a Captain Marvel comic despite my reservations about the style. It is making me reconsider con commissions, honestly.

All in all, Animore is what it says on the label. A small, relaxed, intimate con with quality programming and plenty of room for expansion and growth. I've added it to my personal list of "must do" cons for the year, and hope to return next year.

My next attendance con will be Katsucon, but I've put out applications for other Artist Alleys! Stay tuned for those updates. :)
